EquiDiversity Foundation is a feminist, civil society organization working in three districts of South 24 Parganas, Birbhum and Purulia since 2016.
we are working towards gender equality (particularly in the areas of decision making and inclusive participation in governance) while promoting diversity.
Equidiversity Foundation envisions a society where there is gender equality, co-sharing of power and freedom from gender-based violence..
Equidiversity Foundation is committed to create an environment that promotes gender equality through political, social and financial empowerment with active informed participation of individuals (particularly women and girls), the community and the state.
Equidiversity Foundation is driven by the values of equity, diversity, inclusion, non-discrimination, non-violence, mutual respect, transparency, accountability, democracy, openness, shared leadership, innovation, creativity, co-creation, listening deeply, active participation, honesty and commitment.
at a systemic change by making the rural governance more gender inclusive and participatory.
a supply chain of empowered inclusive women leaders who can govern well in the governance system as well as increase demand for these leaders, ultimately demonstrating that investing in women’s leadership can have significant political & social development benefits.
a platform for the creation of new generation thought leaders from an early age by working with children, adolescents and young adults
women’s platforms in the community to become ready to independently promote gender justice and equality work
can be easily replicated elsewhere
Our primary goal is developing a secure and safe world for poor peoples in the world.
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